JSG Blog
We have something to say, how about you?
We are pleased to announce the launch of JustGreatWebTech which is our fully automated and affordable web accessibility solution for ADA & WCAG Compliance for your website.
We offer a 7 day free trial period so you can test it out.
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The Looney Tunes villain Marvin the Martian had it right, "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!"
When you are doing a presentation start with the boom. This is how you engage your audience. You'll even be forgiven if your content is weak as long as long...

How many times have you gone shopping and felt like you were intruding on someone’s life instead of being treated like a valued customer? You reach the check out line after spending time in the store, often without any help from staff...

Are you currently selling products or services online? Maybe you are in the process of investigating e-commerce. There are lots of decisions that have to be made about what is the best solution for you.

In 2009 we needed a name for our business so we came up with 'Joe Sonne Marketing'. At the time we thought it would give us flexibility to do a variety of things. It really didn't. We went with the name but marketing doesn't tell the whole story.