A New Beginning For The Joe Sonne Group

In 2009 we needed a name for our business so we came up with 'Joe Sonne Marketing'. At the time we thought it would give us flexibility to do a variety of things. It really didn't. We went with the name but marketing doesn't tell the whole story.
The majority of clients that developed were website clients that identified our unique value proposition of having a strong association and network within in the Joomla open source community. Our Joomla website brand 'JoeJoomla' became well known and people that specifically want Joomla design and development services come to us. We have a website catering to that brand, blog and post news and do lots of Joomla related things over there.
We've done a variety of different things over the years. We don't want to get pigeonholed into being known for only one brand. We'd like our clients to know more about the other areas of the business as well. This will be good for existing and future clients. We're looking forward to the future with lots of enthusiasm. We have some great experiences and insights to share here on our blog on a variety of topics.
There has been so much change over the last decade and constant change has become the norm. In order to keep up you need the ability to continually learn new things. That can be difficult because it means you have to unlearn and discard things that you have established as a habit or discipline. When you think of how many disruptive innovations have occurred in a short time you realize that being able to make good decisions about change will determine your future success.
It is frustrating when you get the distinct impression that the companies you work with only care about themselves. The best vendors know that their client's success means everyone gains. Pick partners that care about you. We choose who we work with based on mutually beneficial relationships. When you work with us you'll quickly find out that we really do care about you and your business. So while we are saying that this is a new beginning for us this aspect of caring is not new. It's who we are and that in itself is not up for change. Welcome to The Joe Sonne Group.