JustGreatWebTech - Accessibility For Your Website

Link to: Accessibility Statement
We are pleased to announce the launch of JustGreatWebTech, which is our accessibility solution for websites. JustGreatWebTech is an affordable and effective way to turn your existing website into an accessible compliant one. Our solution uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make your site compliant with WCAG 2.1, ADA, 508 & more. Enabling people with disabilities to have a good user experience on your website is an excellent thing to do. We offer a 7 day free trial period so you can test it out.
"What is ADA and WCAG?"
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in public and private places that are open to the general public. It is intended to guarantee equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities.
The act was designed to ensure that people with disabilities can function in everyday life in public places such buildings and other public facilities the way that people without disabilities can. This also extends to websites and the apps that those places of business and organizations use as well.
WCAG refers to 'Web Content Accessibility Guidelines'. These are guidelines published by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). They make recommendations for Web content to be more accessible, primarily for people with disabilities. WCAG 2.0 became an ISO standard in 2008 and has further evolved to WCAG 2.1 as of 2018.
Your website can be ADA compliant within a week!
30% compliant upon installation and fully compliant approximately 48 hours later.
What kinds of things do people with disabilities need help with on websites?
Here are some of the things that people with disabilities require help with:
- Screen-reader and keyboard navigation for people who are blind. The people who need this kind of help rely on Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes. When a blind user lands on your site they are hoping to be able to use their screen-reader to browse and operate your site. This would include the ability to navigate your site using their keyboard. When your site can be navigated using a keyboard the user can enjoy your content in an intelligent way.
When screen readers encounter an image on your site they depend on the ALT (alternate text) tag to know what the image is showing. If you are missing ALT tag descriptions screen readers will not be able to relay what the picture is to the user. The popular screen readers used by blind people include JAWS and NVDA. - People with various other visual conditions require enhancements to your content for better comprehension. These kinds of modifications are things like being able to adjust the font size, adjust the colour, stop animations, and highlight headings, content, and links.
- People with epilepsy require your site to not flash or blink animations that might trigger a medical episode. Colour combinations can be problematic for them. Your website needs to provide a method of minimizing these situations. A lot of modern websites are very colourful and some even try to blast you with visual stimulation and sound to get your attention.
- Hearing disorders for the deaf and people with severe hearing loss may require audio muting in order to have a good user experience on a website.
- People with cognitive disorders need a way to easily connect to search engines like Wikipedia and Wiktionary to decipher meanings of phrases, slang, and other kinds of things.
All these things need to be accommodated for people with disabilities. This is not a trivial task to accomplish on a website. Think of all the challenges web developers have had over the years just trying to get a website to display properly on certain web browsers.
An accessible website template only gets you part of the way there
You cannot just build a website with an accessible template and expect it to remain compliant. As soon as content, images and graphics are added, the probability of your website becoming non compliant is very high. The template itself only accounts for about 30% of the requirements of accessibility. The remaining 70% is up to the people publishing the content on your website. They need to be knowledgeable about every thing they do regarding accessibility including the colours they are using, how those colours relate and contrast to other colours on the page. Every picture requires an ALT tag description, videos or PDFs on the site need to be modified to be compliant with ADA. You want all these things to work on all modern web browsing devices.
Manually creating an accessible website comes with a hefty price tag
The costs of creating or converting your website into an accessible compliant one can run into the tens of thousands of dollars just for small to medium sized business websites. This is a daunting task and huge expense for anyone. Even after making a website accessible the extra workload and expense of keeping it compliant can become a serious financial hardship. It's not trivial to keep up and deal with constantly changing regulations as well.
The solution is to use artificial intelligence (AI)
JustGreatWebTech is an artificial intelligence (AI) solution which offers an affordable and automated way to make your website accessible. After installation, the AI starts scanning and analyzing your site. Then it begins the job of identifying accessibility issues and providing a solution for them.
After approximately 48 hours the AI will have determined the level of significance of the structural elements and functionality of your site and what happens when users interact with them. It then comes up with the best accessibility solution for serving the content and navigating your site while making it compliant with ADA, WCAG 2.1 and EU accessibility regulations.
Machine learning technology gathers information from every website it’s installed on. This means that the AI continually learns and becomes more and more accurate, evolving with changes to regulations and with your website. Updates to your site content takes place in the background on a continual basis.
JustGreatWebTech will not change a thing on your site for the majority of users. It will only be activated when turned on through the accessible tool interface or by a screen-reader as an overlay to your website and only for the user’s specific session. It doesn't affect your design, UI, or performance at all. The entire process is automated. JustGreatWebTech doesn’t collect user data either, so your GDPR compliance is not impacted.
We found this to be the most intelligent, sensible and affordable solution to achieve compliance for websites. You can try this service for free for 7 days on your site and see for yourself. Your other option is to spend a lot more money. There are plenty of companies out there that will try to maximize the amount of money they can get from you to achieve and maintain accessibility compliance. Some will tell you that the only correct solution is the most expensive one which is to create an accessible template and then have you pay for extreme customization and functionality in order to stay compliant. This can work as long as nothing changes on your site and you don't try to be creative. Artificial intelligence makes the most sense and helps the people who it is intended to help; those who require the assistance of technology so they can have a good experience with the content on your website.
Request a Free Trial of JustGreatWebTech Today
We offer a 7 day trial at no cost for our Automated Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accessibility Solution
Install our solution on your website and it can be compliant in 48 hours
Annual pricing starts for as little as $490
Fill in and send the form to request a trial