Website Accessibility

Request a Free Trial of JustGreatWebTech Today

We offer a 7 day trial at no cost for our Automated Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accessibility Solution

Install our solution on your website and it can be compliant in 48 hours

Annual pricing starts for as little as $490

Fill in and send the form to request a trial




For websites under
1,000 unique pages

Accessibility Statement
& Certification

Compliant with WCAG,
ADA, EAA & More

Screen-Reader & Keyboard Navigation Adjustments

Interface powered UI &
Design adjustments

Free 7-day trial
no credit >card required

Monthly accessibility
>compliance audits

Automatic daily monitoring and scans

Automatic seamless cloud updates



For websites under
10,000 unique pages

Accessibility Statement
& Certification

Compliant with WCAG,
ADA, EAA & More

Screen-Reader & Keyboard Navigation Adjustments

Interface powered UI &
Design adjustments

Free 7-day trial
no credit >card required

Monthly accessibility
>compliance audits

Automatic daily monitoring and scans

Automatic seamless cloud updates



For websites under
100,000 unique pages

Accessibility Statement
& Certification

Compliant with WCAG,
ADA, EAA & More

Screen-Reader & Keyboard Navigation Adjustments

Interface powered UI &
Design adjustments

Free 7-day trial
no credit >card required

Monthly accessibility
>compliance audits

Automatic daily monitoring and scans

Automatic seamless cloud updates



For websites under
1,000,000 unique pages

Accessibility Statement
& Certification

Compliant with WCAG,
ADA, EAA & More

Screen-Reader & Keyboard Navigation Adjustments

Interface powered UI &
Design adjustments

Free 7-day trial
no credit >card required

Monthly accessibility
>compliance audits

Automatic daily monitoring and scans

Automatic seamless cloud updates


Each plan includes all features and services. Plan price is based on website's page count.

We consider every UNIQUE URL as a page. If your page has URL parameters, we consider all variations as one page. For example, is considered a unique URL. If it has parameter variants like ?param=value, this still counts as one page. PDFs, documents, and video subtitles, are priced separately. This is because these are added files, which are not a part of your website’s code base.